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Future Blog Post

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Blog Post number 4

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 3

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 2

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 1

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.



Viscosity solutions of contact Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Hamiltonians depending periodically on unknown functions

Published in Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2023

This paper is about H-J equations with the Hamiltonian periodic in the unknown function.

Recommended citation: P. Ni, K. Wang and J. Yan, Viscosity solutions of contact Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Hamiltonians depending periodically on unknown functions, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 22 (2023), 668-685.

A representation formula of the viscosity solution of the contact Hamilton-Jacobi equation and its applications

Published in Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 2023

This paper is about the implicit solution semigroup for the standard PDE assumptions.

Recommended citation: P. Ni, L. Wang, and J. Yan, A representation formula of the viscosity solution of the contact Hamilton-Jacobi equation and its applications, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, to appear.


On discrete nonlinear vanishing discount problem


In this talk, I first introduced a discrete approximation of the implicit solution semigroup. The discrete nonlinear vanishing discount problem will be considered, where the Mather measures play a center role. I will also discuss the uniqueness of the discounted solution. It is a joint work with Maxime Zavidovique.


Classical Mechanics

Workshop, School of Matthematical Sciences, Fudan University, 2020

The course is Classical Mechanics, and mainly about Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, calculus of variations and Hamilton-Jacobi equations. The duty of the teaching assistant position is to assist the teacher to carry out orderly teaching work, correct students’ homework, teach exercise classes, and answer questions in a timely manner.


Undergraduate course, School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University, 2021

The course is Calculus (BII) and mainly about series, multivariable calculus and ordinary differential equations.